Faver | 2016-Present
Faver completely revolutionises the typical e-commerce recommendation engine and provides a truly personalised shopping experience. Faver learns what you love, not what you've bought. We believe in evolving the online shopping experience into the age of discovery over search.
Push Designs | 2010-Present
Push Designs is a full-service design and development agency, specialising in user-centered design for digital products.
millermedia7 | 2016-Present
millermedia7 is a tight knit collective of strategists, designers, web developers, technology teams, and digital change agents that work together to form impactful campaigns that elevate brands.
BlogChat | 2017-Present
BlogChat is a members-only community Slack group for bloggers. Members can enjoy being part of a supportive and friendly community to collaborate, help promote each other, and make new friends.
3 Steps to Save the World | 2016-Present
3 Steps to Save the World explores some of the most irrational and short-sighted aspects of human nature, and hypothesises a connection between these and three of the most detrimental aspects of modern society; capitalist democracy, organised religion, and animal agriculture.
No Effects, Honestly
2008 (Digital Release)Four Years
2007 (Physical and Digital Release)